Awesome WM Modifications


I’m currently using Awesome as my window manager. One of the main reasons I switched to it from i3 was the built in capacity for modification. I’m finding that anything I want to tweak, I can.

Two of the main modifications I’ve made so far are:

  • Sane icon scaling in built in notifications
  • Ability to rename tags in place

*Note I’ve adapted code from Stack Overflow questions to fit how I like, most of the work is not my own

Icon Scaling

Turns out as of v4.3 there is a beautiful.notification_icon_size so I could use that instead.

With v4.2 and earlier I am able to use naughty.config.notify_callback to look for notifications with icons and set the desired size. My final function in rc.lua is:

naughty.config.notify_callback = function(args)
	if args.icon then
		args.icon_size = 50
	return args

One issue I have found is that if a notification tries to use a built in icon that doesn’t exist, it still reserves space for an icon of size 50. I have not yet figured out a way to get around that.

Tag Renaming

This is just a simple function that calls and asks the user for a new name. The benefit of this method is that I can rename tags as I leave windows places.

awful.key({ modkey, "Shift",  }, "r",
   function () {
		   prompt       = "rename current tag: ",
         text         = awful.tag.selected().name,
		   textbox      = awful.screen.focused().mypromptbox.widget,
         exe_callback = function (s) awful.tag.selected().name = s end,
		{description = "rename tag", group = "awesome"}),